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Blood test for 600 hereditary diseases

NN: Blood test 'allows couples to screen out abnormalities' A controversial blood test which allows couples to test for thousands of genetic flaws which they could pass on to a baby is now being sold in Britain. Hundreds of prospective parents have already bought the test which tells them if a combination of their genes puts them at risk of having a child with an incurable disease. The compatibility test, which costs £1,800, checks for 4,500 mutations and can flag up more than 600 hereditary diseases, including some that kill within the first years of life. Results come back within 30 days. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11948303/Blood-test-allows-couples-to-screen-out-abnormalities.html MaxAR15 Cool, actually, Rush asked that very same question a few weeks ago. If the number of GHLTG, or what ever the correct initials are, is reduced that means that their clout or lobby ability goes out the window. While they are pro abortion now, if that group numbers go down because of abortion you can bet your back side their tune will change with a homosexual gene test . Joe_D The clout and lobbying strength of the homosexual community is nothing more than a product of good marketing. According to the latest U.S. official government statistics approximately 1.68% of U.S. citizens are gay. That equates to a little more than 6.2 million people in the U.S.. That means that the total number of gays in the U.S. is less than the 6.8 million members of the Mormon church. How many laws have you seen changed to placate the Mormon church? More than 20 years ago the gay community almost lost their collective minds when it was reported that in the future science would be able to screen embryos for a "gay" gene if homosexuality was indeed genetic. Their fear was that people would elect to have abortions if they discovered that their baby would be born gay. Their fears may be coming to pass.

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