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"Hillary Clinton is a lesbian" - Bill Clinton

NN: "Hillary Clinton is a lesbian" - Bill Clinton Even having a child was a political calculation for Hillary Clinton, one of Bill Clinton’s former lovers says — and it’s those types of actions that she believes should give every woman pause before making Hillary the first female president. Miller, who had a three-month affair with then Gov. Bill Clinton in 1983, recently shared with The American Mirror some of the intimate secrets Bill told her, including that even having a child was a political calculation for the current Democratic front runner for president. Referring to Clinton again, Miller tells The American Mirror, “She is a Gloria Steinem kind of feminist. If you’ve ever seen picture or heard Gloria Steinem, just a cold, conniving bitch. That’s just it. RELATED: Bill Clinton snorted cocaine off my coffee table, former lover says “And they don’t care about anyone but themselves. That’s what most feminists are all about. It’s about themselves,” according to Miller. “And most of them don’t link men, incidentally. They only use men for income (and) appearance. “Hillary could never had made it to Washington, DC without Bill. He was the song and dance routine. He’s the one that played the sax and he could laugh and joke and talk and Hillary can’t do that. “She can’t put on her black nightie and run around and she can’t play the sax,” Miller says, referring to her previous claim that, during their trysts, Bill Clinton would wear Miller’s nightie and play his instrument. “I’m sure if she is a lesbian it’s not fun,” Miller says frankly. When she was asked about where she heard Hillary Clinton was a lesbian, she responded, “Bill told me! “Because I said why do you think she is so cold?” recalling her conversation with Bill. “Why do you think she is so uninterested in kissing and holding and just being close physically? “He said that when she was in college that she and some girls experimented and she liked it. And that’s when the big feminist movement was moving forward and lesbianism was hot. “It was more vogue for a woman to have a female partner than to have a male partner,” Miller says. “She’s been an imposter all these years and yet even my own daughter said, ‘But mother, she deserves it. She’s worked for it.’ http://www.theamericanmirror.com/hillary-had-several-abortions-kept-chelsea-for-political-appearances-bills-former-lover-says/ ==================== В этой истории забавно то, что даже эта демократическая "холодная интригующая сука-лесбианка" предпочтительнее для американцев, да и для всего свободного мира, чем христанутые честные патриоты-республиканцы. Почему? Да потому, что честные христанутые республиканцы обмануты своими гапонами и лежат под кровожадным ХАБАДом, а демократические обезъяны и лесбиянки - лежат под добродушными бритыми саддукеями... Парадокс однако. Вот так и у нас как 100 лет назад - победили бы буржуи НЭПманы со своими борделями и ресторанами и Россия жила бы как нормальная европейская страна, но победили кровожадные ЧКисты с обманутыми ими русскими патриотами... NN

Ответов - 4 новых

chiz: Да. блин. Жопа однако.

NN: Князья мира сего или ГРУДИ ЦАРСКИЕ СОСАТЬ БУДЕШЬ Chelsea Clinton has given birth to a son, Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky, the former first daughter announced Saturday. "Marc and I are overwhelmed with gratitude and love as we celebrate the birth of our son, Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky," Clinton, who is married to hedge fund manager Marc Mezvinsky, tweeted. The couple also has a nearly two-year-old daughter, Charlotte. Bill and Hillary Clinton said they were "over the moon" about the birth of their second grandchild. Tom Trump and Hillary both have Jewish grandkids now. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/chelsea-clinton-gives-birth-son-160406061--abc-news-parenting.html Marc Mezvinsky Marc Mezvinsky (born December 15, 1977) is an American investment banker, co-founder of the hedge fund Eaglevale Partners, and the husband of Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Hillary and Bill Clinton. Mezvinsky is the son of former members of Congress Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky (D-PA) and Edward Mezvinsky (D-IA), and was raised in the Conservative Jewish tradition. Mezvinsky graduated from Stanford University in 2000 before working for eight years as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs. In 2011, he cofounded Eaglevale Partners. In 2010, Mezvinsky married Chelsea Clinton in an interfaith ceremony in Rhinebeck, New York. The senior Clintons and Mezvinskys were friends in the 1990s; their children met on a Renaissance Weekend retreat in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. They first were reported to be a couple in 2005, and became engaged over Thanksgiving weekend in 2009. Coverage of the 2010 wedding reported the absence of Mezvinsky's father, attributing the absence to strained family relations in the aftermath of his father's acts of fraud committed toward Mezvinsky's friends and family. (папанька кинул даже своих друзей и свою семью). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Mezvinsky

свой: Принц Уильям снялся для гей-журнала 12 мая Уильям пригласил в Кенсингтонский дворец редакцию Attitude и членов ЛГБТ-сообщества, чтобы выслушать их истории о гомофобии, бифобии и трансфобии. После встречи фотограф Ли Кейлли сфотографировал принца для обложки. Это первый случай, когда члены британской королевской семьи фотографируются для обложки гей-издания. Номер с Уильямом выйдет 22 июня. https://snob.ru/selected/entry/109667

NN: Gennifer Flowers - Bill said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had. There have been other rumors of Hillary’s lesbianism/bisexuality. Now, confirmation comes from Gennifer Flowers, who was Bill Clinton’s mistress for 12 years. From Daily Mail: [Bill] Clinton, now 67, also shared a lot of intimacies regarding his marriage to Hillary. They left Gennifer in no doubt that the union is far from ‘traditional.’ She said: ‘What they have is very strong. It obviously worked for them but I’ve never considered theirs a traditional marriage.’ When rumours surfaced recently of an affair between Hillary Clinton and her transition office chief, Huma Abedin, 37, [wife of disgraced former NY Congressman Anthony Weiner] Gennifer was not surprised. Gennifer said: ‘I don’t know Huma or the Weiners. I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care. He should know. ‘He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had.’ https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2013/09/20/clintons-12-year-mistress-says-hillary-is-bisexual/

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